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Current Poll Results

Is security outsourcing a good idea?

Yes40 %40 %40 % 40.00 % (2)
No20 %20 %20 % 20.00 % (1)
Some aspects, but not others20 %20 %20 % 20.00 % (1)
I don't even know what you're talking about20 %20 %20 % 20.00 % (1)

Total Votes: 5

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"Is security outsourcing a good idea?" | Login/Create an Account | 2 comments
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Re: Is security outsourcing a good idea? (Score: 1)
by vivian1989 on Thursday, September 15 @ 03:52:44 UTC
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Re: Is security outsourcing a good idea? (Score: 1)
by yabin on Friday, September 16 @ 07:41:06 UTC
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