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 1 year ago on April 29th
 Anyone know what happened to personguy?
 I miss you cunts
 Holy shit my login still works
 Wolfguard... You alive?
 And when the world needed him most....
 2023 outage
 Happy New Year
 Today was a good day.
 Nine Inch Nails
 Covid-19 etc
 I remember Incubus thinking this guy was a douche...
 S T O N K S
 How not to die.
 This linux shit again.
 Star Wars.... was shit - Spoilers (as in ALL of them)
 Two days and our dictator shows his obvious spots.
 The Last Jedi...spoilers within
 A Dark Disquiet of the Soul

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"I just pleaded white to the judge and got the ticket dismissed."


Past Surveys
· RSS. Email. More cool shit? (Results - 413 votes)
· Is Kaas Gay? (Results - 40 votes)
· Should we run regular polls? (Results - 84 votes)
· Which death is more Sad? (Results - 398 votes)
· Reasons not to stop. (Results - 68 votes)
· Preferred Energy Source (Results - 60 votes)
· Who has the biggest cock? (Results - 96 votes)
· Soda, Pop, Coke? What do you call those fizzy drinks. (Results - 66 votes)
· Search Engine Choice? (Results - 57 votes)
· How do you hide an erection while in public? (Results - 139 votes)
· Preferred Sexual Position (Results - 117 votes)
· Web Browser Preference (Results - 182 votes)
· Politcal Orientation (Results - 110 votes)
· One we all can care about! Should JR2000Z be... (Results - 140 votes)
· What is the best season? (Results - 253 votes)
· What do you look for in an album? (Results - 180 votes)
· What do you look for when buying an album? (Results - 0 votes)
· What do you look for when buying an album? (Results - 4 votes)
· Lets find out about the DetNetters: I am . . . (Results - 128 votes)
· You trying hard to keep your New Years Resolutions? (Results - 47 votes)
· Was 2003 a good year for you? (Results - 80 votes)
· Will you get what you want? (Results - 41 votes)
· Money or Gifts? (Results - 38 votes)
· Have you been good this year?? (Results - 71 votes)
· What is/was the best part of Thanksgiving? (Results - 51 votes)
· What is/was the best part about Thanksgiving? (Results - 0 votes)
· What is/was the best part about Thanksgiving? (Results - 2 votes)
· Do you plan on spending Thanksgiving with the family? (Results - 19 votes)
· When gaming what matters most? (Results - 88 votes)
· When playing games what is your most important want? (Results - 7 votes)
· Do you plan on jumping into the 64 bit processor world? (Results - 91 votes)
· Should there be a MAC/PC Cross platform revolution. (Results - 119 votes)
· BEERS: Do you drink domestic or import beers? (Results - 84 votes)
· Movies: Do you rent dvds before you buy them? (Results - 61 votes)
· Right or Left? (Results - 79 votes)
· Red or Blue? Can red remain on top after its near 50/50? (Results - 82 votes)
· Red or Green? (Results - 65 votes)
· How do you use your cellphone. (Results - 67 votes)
· How do you use your cellphone? (Results - 5 votes)
· Should the RIAA grant amnesty to those who agree to stop downloading? (Results - 58 votes)
· Would you still date a high school crush? (Results - 85 votes)
· Should CSS become a trade secert? CSS: DVD Encryption Method. (Results - 62 votes)
· Should CSS become a trade secert? CSS: DVD Encyption Method. (Results - 4 votes)
· Should CSS become a trade secert? (Results - 6 votes)
· Should virus writers be prosecuted? (Results - 58 votes)
· Shoud the members of the riaa be nailed to crosses on highway 66? (Results - 53 votes)
· Should the RIAA be able to target casual file sharers? (Results - 30 votes)
· NE Power Blackout; Affected? (Results - 46 votes)
· Would I? Getcher Dick Sucked. (Results - 21 votes)
· My Orientation (Results - 139 votes)
· One Last Email Poll. Maybe I learned. (Results - 5 votes)
· I Had No Idea. Email 3rd Time. (Results - 0 votes)
· I Had No Idea. Email 3rd Time. (Results - 3 votes)
· Good God, I Didn't Understand; Email 3x. (Results - 0 votes)
· Good God, I Didn't Understand; Email 3x. (Results - 2 votes)
· Email Survey Redone. How Many Do You Have Stored? (Results - 69 votes)
· How Many Emails Have You? Includes Hotmail etc. (Results - 32 votes)
· If You Use Windows, Which One? (Results - 318 votes)
· Connection Speed. (Results - 70 votes)
· How Criminal Are You? (Results - 98 votes)
· How Long Have You Had Your Email Address? (Results - 97 votes)
· How Often Do You Backup Your Stuff? (Results - 150 votes)
· Matrix Revolutions; Going To See It? (Results - 318 votes)
· You Knew This Was Coming; MATRIX RELOADED! (Results - 333 votes)
· Who is more incompetent (Results - 185 votes)
· My Starship Would Be... (Results - 135 votes)
· WMD Iraq? (Results - 44 votes)
· So How Is Our Nice Shiny War Going? (Results - 158 votes)
· After The War.... yes? (Results - 99 votes)
· War and the future (Results - 12 votes)
· Gw's Real Motive For Iraq. (Results - 56 votes)
· Ever Wonder About Scanning A 20? (Results - 46 votes)
· HDD; RPM Or Size? (Results - 109 votes)
· Preferred OS (Results - 296 votes)
· What's Going To Happen To The Dell D00d? Caught With Pot!! (Results - 182 votes)
· Dell To Stop Installing Floppy Drives! (Results - 81 votes)
· Will You Ever Pay For Music Again? (Results - 86 votes)
· Best Hacker Movie (Results - 324 votes)
· I'd like to see the source code for... (Results - 147 votes)
· What makes so Great? (Results - 24 votes)
· How Did You Find Detnet? (Results - 56 votes)
· Do You Support the Idea of "Open Source"? (Results - 58 votes)
· A Newer "What Language Do You Code In" Poll (Results - 61 votes)
· Leaving HDD's On Or Hibernating? (Results - 84 votes)
· NYC Skyline Options (Results - 88 votes)
· How Often Do You Update Software? (Results - 69 votes)
· Not How Many Hours Your Computer Is Online; YOU. (Results - 165 votes)
· For Meester Tax0rs; Does God Or Something Similar Exist? (Results - 59 votes)
· After Posting, How Often Do You Click On Your Post? (Results - 20 votes)
· US Warns of spectacular attack, but where? (Results - 62 votes)
· Should links to threads automatically send you to the last page? (Results - 26 votes)
· Detnet Error Messages, Got One? (Results - 29 votes)
· Mad Typing Skillz Yo! (Results - 85 votes)
· Last College Poll (Results - 83 votes)
· College; Teh Suxor? (Results - 58 votes)
· DC Snipers Acted Alone? (Results - 74 votes)
· Do You Have An AOL Disk (Results - 116 votes)
· Your Military Status (Results - 218 votes)
· War With Iraq (Results - 35 votes)
· How Long Until War With Iraq? (Results - 140 votes)
· Is It Time For Another War? (Results - 187 votes)
· What Is The Single Worst Thing About Computers? (Results - 316 votes)
· Did You Get The Test Email? (Results - 19 votes)
· What Do I Do With Computers? (Results - 47 votes)
· How 1337 Are You? (Results - 280 votes)
· My proc of choice is: (Results - 322 votes)
· Is the Death Penalty Just? (Results - 280 votes)
· Like the new site? (Results - 96 votes)

Surveys Attached to Articles
· Is security outsourcing a good idea? (Results - 5 votes)
- Attached to article: Large Corporations Hand Over the Keys

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"My name is Jim, and I have the ghey."