AMD confirms Applebred launch |
Posted by just_dave on Wednesday, August 20 @ 19:52:33 UTC (23273 reads) |
AMD has confirmed the existence of the Applebred processor, and said that the Duron-branded core has already begun shipping.
As we reported yesterday, Applebred - not, as we wrote, 'Appalbred', which was how Babelfish translated the original Russian report on the chip - is a low-end part equipped with just 64KB of on-die L2 cache and, as we guessed, a 266MHz frontside bus.
The chip will be offered at 1.4, 1.6 and 1.8GHz, AMD European marketing chief, Richard Baker, told The Register today.
"We're aiming the part at certain markets, such as South America and Eastern Europe, where customers have asked us to extend the Duron line," said Baker.
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Building A Totally Silent PC! How-to |
Posted by just_dave on Friday, October 25 @ 15:23:18 UTC (9254 reads) |
Written by Doc at
In this day and age, overclocking has changed the face of computing. From the designs of decades past, the venerable Celeron 300A, to today's powerhouses, people are striving to get the most out of their processor. While this may all be fine and dandy, it creates several side effects: heat, empty wallets and worst of all, noise.
As CPUs become hot during overclocking, the need to put a bigger and faster cooler on them increases. The problem, is the noise. Anybody who's run a high-speed Delta has the scars, the bleeding, popped eardrums, ruptured spleen, collapsed lungs from the pressure it creates. This may make overclocking seem less enjoyable for anybody other then those scary hardcore freaks who probably enjoy massive internal injuries anyway.
And here begins our quest to create a completely silent PC.
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