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Johnny Cash, Man In Black, 1932-2003
Posted by just_dave on Friday, September 12 @ 09:34:25 UTC (6108 reads)
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Wesley Willis: The Vultures Ate His Dead Ass Up
Posted by just_dave on Tuesday, August 26 @ 20:45:21 UTC (14839 reads)
Music PersonGuy writes:
Artist, musician, schizo... Wesley Willis of Rock'n'Rollin fame died yesterday. As one of his biggest fans, I'm truely sadden by the news. His naive talent has always been a great inspiration in my own musical works, and I've butted heads with him (quite literally) on several equations.

Rock over London, Rock on Chicago...
Life! Start your day with the wholesome, lightly sweetened biscuits of Life.

(more inside)
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Metallica Thwarts Iraq's With Sledgehammer Riffs
Posted by just_dave on Wednesday, July 16 @ 16:33:50 UTC (11863 reads)
Music Your parents aren’t the only ones who hate your music—some Iraqis hate it, too. U.S. military units have been breaking Saddam supporters with long sessions in which they’re forced to listen to heavy-metal and children’s songs. “Trust me, it works,” says one U.S. operative.
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Judge: File-Swapping Tools Are Legal;
Posted by just_dave on Saturday, April 26 @ 01:11:47 UTC (7899 reads)
Music By John Borland
Staff Writer, CNET
April 25, 2003, 12:46 PM PT

In an almost complete reversal of previous victories for the record labels and movie studios, federal court Judge Stephen Wilson ruled that Streamcast--parent of the Morpheus software--and Grokster were not liable for copyright infringements that took place using their software. The ruling does not directly affect Kazaa, software distributed by Sharman Networks, which has also been targeted by the entertainment industry.

"Defendants distribute and support software, the users of which can and do choose to employ it for both lawful and unlawful ends," Wilson wrote in his opinion, released Friday. "Grokster and StreamCast are not significantly different from companies that sell home video recorders or copy machines, both of which can be and are used to infringe copyrights."

The ruling is the second major setback to date to the entertainment industry's efforts to keep a tight rein on online file-swapping, following a similiar decision in the Netherlands last year that found that Kazaa was not liable for its users' copyright infringements. If upheld, the decision could lead artists, record labels and movie studios to cast new legal strategies that they have until now been reluctant to try, including bringing lawsuits against individuals who copy unauthorized works over Napster-like networks.
More inside.

Note from the Editor: ut that would've taken up the entire front page if I hadn't parted it... good job though!
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Copy-Protected CDs Going Mainstream
Posted by Beldurin on Sunday, March 30 @ 09:54:12 UTC (4784 reads)
Music uptime writes:
By John Borland
Staff Writer, CNET
March 28, 2003, 12:12 PM PT

Copy-protection technology on music CDs may be headed for the U.S. market in bulk this year for the first time, according to one Wall Street analyst.
In a research note published Friday, J.P. Morgan analyst Sterling Auty said that Arista Records, a subsidiary of BMG Music, appeared to be moving to market with CD copy-protection technology produced by SunnComm Technologies.

"We expect volume shipments of protected CDs to ship commercially in the U.S. as early as the May-June time frame using the SunnComm solution," Auty wrote. "This will be the first major step in the growth of the CD audio protection market."

Note from the Editor: Please include a link to your source as a citation in your submission.
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New Kazaa Likely To Raise Labels' Ire;
Posted by just_dave on Monday, September 23 @ 15:49:08 UTC (7478 reads)
Music Sept. 23 — An overhauled version of the popular file-swapping software Kazaa was unleashed Monday on the Internet, with features sure to make record and movie studio executives’ blood boil.
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Grateful Dead Reunites in Wisconsin
Posted by jim on Sunday, August 04 @ 06:42:31 UTC (10710 reads)
Music ic0n0 writes:
EAST TROY, Wis. (AP) — It's been seven years since Jerry Garcia's guitar fell silent, but the kaleidoscope of wriggling humanity he kept on the road for more than 30 years is very much alive.

The reanimated Grateful Dead, who have taken to calling themselves The Other Ones, stuttered to a start Saturday.

Apparent equipment problems waylaid the opening notes — a spacy flourish that would have sparkled were it not for the speakers clipping out at least a dozen times.

The sounds righted, The Other Ones lugged out the heavy thunk of ``He's Gone,'' but before the apropos was fully realized or a note was sung, slipped into ``The Other Ones,'' as if to stamp their own identity into the now.

The crowd was ready and with the band fully agroove, the giant green bowl of Alpine Valley Music Theatre was flush with flailing limbs and thousand-watt smiles.

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Who the Hell is Tony Kieth?
Posted by jim on Thursday, August 01 @ 04:47:53 UTC (9477 reads)
Music drunx0r writes:
"You'll be sorry that you messed with/The U.S. of A./'Cause we'll put a boot in your a--/It's the American way."

While paging through the vile mutating void that is the news, I ran across this down home hucklebuck. Turns out he is a chart topper.
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