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Quotable Quotes™ |
"Everything involves alcohol." --Caznat |
2009 Outage Party |
Posted by incubus on Saturday, February 07 @ 22:39:48 UTC (69108 reads) |
So we had another outage. The current detbox is a bit shoddy. Anyway it gave up the ghost and the hero admin who looks after the colo its in has loaned me a machine to keep it up and running.
Again, plan is to get it on 2 boxes across 2 colos, it will happen eventually.
Im starting to think we should just bin most of this site and move to a simple forum. Keeping the posts around would be hard, migrating the accounts would be easy though.
What do you think?
-- incubus
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Good with Crayonth? |
Posted by incubus on Wednesday, November 07 @ 09:02:46 UTC (71254 reads) |
Some of you may know, we're planning to move Detnet onto a vBulletin forum. While the database magic to make this happen is pretty much done, we're still missing one thing - skinning vB to look like the Detnet we know and hate.
Is anyone competent enough to skin vB to the same quality as our current (hacked) phpBB skin?
Would love to hear from you.
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3 hours downtime my ass! |
Posted by incubus on Saturday, November 03 @ 15:07:40 UTC (677164 reads) |
Talk about a server move gone wrong...
There was meant to be some routine maintenance in the datacentre the detbox is hosted in. Sadly, while the move seemed to work, something fishy happened with the box. This is doubly annoying because detnet has actually sneakily been on new hardware for a couple of months, I did the move early one morning.
The outage has been made worse because, well, I've been on holiday in Amsterdam for the last five days - I had limited Internet access while I was there (hmm....) and getting hold of help has been hard.
Everything should be back now. Read on for more info.
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Glitch in the Matrix |
Posted by incubus on Monday, August 27 @ 01:18:16 UTC (58401 reads) |
We had a couple of hours downtime just now. The server is still the venerable old CrustMaster 2000(tm) and it decided to fry a random component. Luckily, I had a friend onsite who took time out of his day (and components) to get the detbox back.
In other news, I do have new kit for the server, in fact 2 new servers :) but I need to sort time/courier/etc to get them deployed. Don't watch this space, your eyes will dry up.
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w00t: Someone set us up the bomb! |
Posted by incubus on Sunday, November 19 @ 23:43:30 UTC (92248 reads) |
We're back on the air. Possibly temporarily. Read the full story for the lowdown.
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w00t: Detonate.Net services |
Posted by incubus on Monday, August 28 @ 13:13:03 UTC (90098 reads) |
I've added gmail, google calendar and google talk for detnet. If you want these services, please visit the following post and pledge your interest:
Clicky here
n00bs need not apply.
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w00t: New Users: Registration Problems REALLY Fizixed! |
Posted by jon on Friday, April 07 @ 01:31:19 UTC (339250 reads) |
If you were getting this error when you tried to get into the forums:
Could not get theme data for themes_id [1]
The problem has been finally fixed for good. We were missing a record in the database that told the system what the default theme looked like. I put the record back.
Now get your ass in the forums and prepare for teh flamage!!!111one
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Detnet Stuff |
Posted by just_dave on Thursday, December 18 @ 01:27:11 UTC (24278 reads) |
forumwhore writes: kthen.
Let's all take a breather and just step back for a few minutes before we do anything rash.
Right now, darth_dave needs your support and stuff.
I think it a good idea to give him and you and us and me a little breathing room here.
Let's all chill for a minute. There are at least a couple misunderstandings and hurt feelings where no evil intent was meant at all.
Note from the Editor: Figured I could post this, I will either get flamed or not for it, but what else could happen?
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Darth Liberus to leave, pending donations! |
Posted by jon on Wednesday, December 17 @ 22:32:38 UTC (13325 reads) |
You read that right. Dig into your pockets and donate to just_dave. Once you get a grand total of $99 to him, we'll move the site over iPowerWeb and off my server, and I will quit as permanently as cr0bar did.
I'm not kidding. Open your wallets, get this fucking site off my server, and as far as I'm concerned, good riddance to it.
You have until January 31, 2004. If it's not off my server by then, it goes dark. Anyone wishing to remain in contact with me after that point PM me.
Have a nice day!
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When tree hugging goes bad. |
Posted by jon on Thursday, November 20 @ 18:59:31 UTC (14468 reads) |
Wolfguard writes: Dilemma as rare birds devour rare fish
BERLIN, Germany (Reuters) -- A protected species of bird is devouring rare fish in the German state of Bavaria and creating a dilemma for local officials who now want federal permission to kill birds that once appeared headed for extinction.
The population of cormorants -- black, long-beaked fishing specialists which can stay underwater for up to 30 seconds -- has ballooned to over 6,000 in the Alpine state.
And they are feeding on rare fish species such as grayling and pearl fish, which are unique to the region, German officials said.
"The problem is that a protected bird is eating protected fish," a spokesman for the Bavarian environment ministry said this week.
Eager to save the fish from extinction in the wild, Bavaria has asked the federal government for permission to reduce the bird population, for example by shooting them or taking their eggs. It is also seeking help from the European Union.
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A First Amendment Question, Answered |
Posted by just_dave on Friday, November 14 @ 08:56:34 UTC (22481 reads) |
Wolfguard writes: Commentary by Michael Smerconish of kwy1060
(11/14/03) After you pass by a speed trap, are you inclined to flash your headlights at oncoming traffic to give those drivers a warning?
Well, that’s usually what Harlie Bill Walker, a 75-year-old resident of Franklin, Tenn., would do.
Then one day, a police officer saw in his rearview mirror what Walker had done. So he pulled Mr. Walker over and cited him for $115 for “interfering with a police officer’s performance of his duty.”
Mr. Walker fought the ticket and asserted his First Amendment right to flash his headlights. And the court agreed.
Perhaps it's not exactly what framers of the Constitution had in mind 200+ years ago, but it's a pretty creative use of the First Amendment nonetheless.
And it's good news for the CB radio crowd that loves to warn about the presence of "smokeys."
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Hey, Ralphie boy! |
Posted by just_dave on Wednesday, November 12 @ 08:34:21 UTC (12392 reads) |
Wolfguard writes: Art Carney, who played Jackie Gleason's sewer worker pal Ed Norton in the TV classic "The Honeymooners" and went on to win the 1974 Oscar for best actor in "Harry and Tonto," has died at 85.
Carney died in Chester, Conn., on Sunday and was buried on Tuesday after a small, private funeral. He had been ill for some time.
The comic actor would be forever identified as Norton (right), Ralph Kramden's bowling buddy and not-too-bright upstairs neighbor on "The Honeymooners." The characters appeared in various forms from 1951 to 1956, and the show was revived briefly in 1971. The shows can still be seen on cable.
With his turned-up porkpie hat and unbuttoned vest over a white T-shirt, Carney's Ed Norton with his exuberant "Hey, Ralphie boy!" became an ideal foil for Gleason's blustery, bullying Kramden. Carney won three Emmys for his role and his first taste of fame.
"The first time I saw the guy act," Gleason once said, "I knew I would have to work twice as hard for my laughs. He was funny as hell."
In one episode, Norton and Ralph learn to golf from an instruction book. Told to "address the ball," Norton gives a wave of the hand and says, "Hellooooo, ball!"
In another episode, Norton inadvertently wins the award for best costume at a Raccoon Lodge party by showing up in his sewer worker's gear. Another time, the loose-limbed Norton teaches Ralph a finger-popping new dance called the Hucklebuck.
After "The Honeymooners," Carney battled a drinking problem for several years. His behavior became erratic while co-starring with Walter Matthau in the Broadway run of Neil Simon's "The Odd Couple" in the 1960s. He dropped out of the show and spent nearly half a year in a sanitarium.
His career resumed, and in 1974 he was cast in Paul Mazurksy's "Harry and Tonto" as a 72-year-old widower who travels from New York to Chicago with his pet cat. He stopped drinking during the making of the film.
"Art was, and is one of the most endearing men I have ever met," the late actress Audrey Meadows (the caustic Alice Kramden on "The Honeymooners") wrote in her 1994 memoir "Love, Alice." She called him a "witty and delightful companion who went out of his way to help each new actor find his niche" on the show.
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Go outside and look up. Ill be out howling at the moon! |
Posted by just_dave on Thursday, November 06 @ 17:32:13 UTC (10609 reads) |
Wolfguard writes: (AP) -- Stargazers across North and South America, Europe and Africa will watch the full moon dim into a dark, ruddy orb over the weekend as the moon drifts through Earth's shadow in the latest celestial event this year to pull eyes skyward.
Sky watchers scrutinized Mars during its closest approach to Earth in 60,000 years this summer and were awed by red and green aurora displays as far south as Florida thanks to big explosions on the sun in recent weeks.
And now more heavenly happenings are on the way.
Saturday's lunar eclipse will be followed by the Leonid meteor shower, a total solar eclipse over the southern hemisphere -- and a chance for more auroras if the sun stays active
The eclipse reaches totality at 8:06 p.m. Saturday night, EST. That stage -- when the moon, Earth and sun are lined up precisely and the moon passes through the darkest part of Earth's shadow -- lasts just 24 minutes.
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The Race Card in the Mayor's Race |
Posted by just_dave on Friday, October 24 @ 08:16:20 UTC (19902 reads) |
Wolfguard writes: Commentary by Michael Smerconish
(10/21/03) The playing of "the race card" in connection with the investigation into City Hall is out of control and needs to be confronted.
Here is a prime example.
Last week, the offices of a prominent Center City lawyer were subject to federal subpoena. Over the weekend, this individual was asked by the Daily News why he was swept up in the probe. He said this:
“Because I am a black American doing what I think needs to be done, and people resent that. They resent that, that black men in America are supposed to be bowing down all the time and not doing nothing but having babies and not taking care of them.”
That is a deplorable statement from a supporter of a mayor who himself made clear who is "running the city."
We don’t know what is going on yet. But the presence of a federal investigation cannot itself become unchallenged fodder for fueling the worst instincts in humankind.
And those who inject race into the election must be confronted immediately.
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Posted by jon on Friday, October 10 @ 21:51:21 UTC (10723 reads) |
My server got hit by spammers... apparently I didn't have qmail as secured as I thought.
Thanks to whoever hit me, /var/log/messages grew until the entire root drive was full, which caused all kinds of nastiness including the corruption of the detnet database.
Of course I keep backups of backups, so I was able to get it running, but any posts and PM's you made after midnight 10 Oct PDT are gone.
Sorry about that.
Incubus, wanna help me secure qmail? :P
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