New hidden danger for male pr0nstars
Date: Wednesday, May 07 @ 22:37:28 UTC Topic: w00t!
A recent channel 4 documentary has managed to uncover a very well hidden and yet highly dangerous secret from the porn industry.
The show titled "Death and Sex" was shown on a late night broadcast but has yet to meet much coverage from the mass media.
The subject of the programme dealt with the hidden dangers to "actors" in the industry caused by the unnatural stresses put on the male body during filming.
A doctor was quoted from the show to say "whilst in the real world the average man is allowed to engage in sexual practice in a relatively relaxed environment the male porn star has to on many occasion force himself to only ejaculate at certain times and also often repeatedly within a space of a few minutes to meet the directors requirements"
The biggest concern and also something which brought about a profoundly shocking revalation was the case where some males have been unable to keep control during excitement and have thus stayed ejaculating through reflex and in a most cases this has caused death.
It is feared that with todays methods of curing such ailments as impotance with drugs to force the body to respond sexually that this tragic disease could spread to the mass public.
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